Direct or Non-Stop Flights?

Direct or Non-Stop Flights?

One of the commonly confused words in the world of travel are “direct” flights and “non-stop” flights. Most people think they are the same, but in reality they are not. There are differences which, when passengers are not aware of can cause stress and inconvenience on their part.

Though there are many non-stop flights, many passengers feel frustrated that when they suddenly wake up in the middle of their journey realizing that their plane is stopping in an airport for an hour. “I thought this was a direct flight? ”, is the most common reaction. When checking for your flight, know if you have a direct flight or a non-stop flight because surely they are not the same.

Non-stop flights

Direct vs. Non-Stop Flights

Let us start with defining a non-stop flight. As its name suggests, it flies from one airport to another without stopping. These are long-haul non-stop flights from Singapore to New York; New York to Beijing; London- Barbados and from JFK to LAX airports. The plane only lands and stops at your destination.

Direct flights on the other hand bring you to your destination without changing aircrafts. Unlike non-stop flights, most direct flights stop in a midway airport for refueling and/or picking up other passengers. Direct flights may stop for an hour or two. Different from connecting flights, taking a direct flight means you don’t have to disembark the plane and the flight number remains the same.

It is important to check your booking details and ticket if your flight is a direct or a non-stop flight. This way you can anticipate your whole trip such as preparing on what to bring like your travel sized bottles for your needs.

Which One Should You Choose?

Both direct flights and non-stop flights have their own benefits and the decision depends on the passengers needs and preferences. If you want convenience and a faster flight, you may take a non-stop flight. However, these flights are costly and more expensive compared to direct flights.

A direct flight on the other hand is cheaper than a non-stop flight as well as faster and more convenient than a connecting flight. If you do not mind an hour sitting on a plane while the plane refuels or while passengers embark and disembark, this kind of flight is a match.

With its convenience, most business travelers as well those who are willing to pay extra for their tickets, prefer to take a non-stop flight. On the other hand, most passengers do not mind the quick stopover in direct flights as long as they do not have to wait longer in the airport or catch another flight just to get to their destination.

Whether you choose a direct or a non-stop flight, make sure you are comfortable by bringing your travel essentials like your travel-sized bottles in your carry on. Direct or non-stop, it is completely up to you.