How Are Our Bottles Constructed?

How Are Our Bottles Constructed?

     All of our bottles have been built so they don’t leak on your belongings:

     1) The silicone body is one continuous piece.


moisturizing body wash

     2) The collar fits snug on the neck of the silicone bottle’s body and its rim ensures no leaking.

     3) The valve orifice is designed so no liquid comes out until you give the body a gentle squeeze.

     4) The cap has a triple-rim closure seal to prevent leaks.

How do you take care of them?

 Put the silicone body in the top rack of your dishwasher. You can even boil it in water.

 The collar and cap are made of 100% BPA free polypropylene. Use a little bit of soap and hot water.

Can I put food items in them?

Yes you can. Our bottles are food grade and FDA approved. Take your honey with you!

food safe container

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